ONLINE PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is very important to us at Card Solutions Int'l® and our subsidiaries. We understand your need for control over your personal privacy.When you visit our website, the following policy concerning your privacy ALWAYS applies:
We request information from you when you complete our inquiry form. We ask for your e-mail address and other necessary personal information including banking data which is required to complete the financial services tasks and provide you the information and services you have requested.
The information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to support your relationship with Card Solutions Int'l®. This information will not be sold or disclosed to any party outside our organization unless it is in the normal course of business in order to get your e-commerce merchant account approved. These other third party vendors may include banks and certified processors who have a "need to know" to accomplish the tasks you have requested of us. These other parties are strictly prohibited from later use of the information except in the course of normal credit analysis/reporting activities.
We hope you have a safe, profitable, and enjoyable merchant processing experience!
Thank you for allowing us to serve you, our clients and friends since 1996.
Card Solutions International, LLC.
Board of Directors
Jay Broder-CEO, President