Phone Program (for Electricians, Pressure washers, Plumbers, Dog groomers, Artists, Lawn maintenance, and many others)
For Phone / Internet Merchant Acct. Info- Get details Emailed - 2 Minute Response! Fill in below:
You will shortly be redirected to our simple, reliable, and secure, phone and internet program.
Another small business low cost alternative.
Fraud is a felony...ALL IP addresses are tracked!
Ask us about the easy integration from your website to your ProPay account.
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ProPay JAK Mobile Card Reader—Enjoy lower rates with a mobile card reader that encrypts at swipe!
< Best and least expensive cell phone swiper program on the market today!
•Download the FREE ProPay Application to your mobile phone.
.•Plug the ProPay JAK Mobile Card Reader into the audio jack of your Smartphone or device.
.•Swipe your customer’s card.
•Enter the purchase total.
•Have the customer sign and enter his or her e-mail address.
•Process the transaction and send the customer an e-mail receipt.
•Broader Phone support - New!
•Tips can now be calculated at the time of payment - New!
•New Tax Calculator - New!
•Process with peace of mind, knowing the JAK encrypts cardholder data at swipe, ensuring the data is protected (unlike the Square).
•Store encrypted transactions safely on the phone for later processing if coverage is not available.
•Put cardholder data “on file” with ProPay’s ProtectPay® for future billing.
•Safely access and bill customers’ cards stored with ProPay.
•Use the provided connectors to secure the reader tightly to your Smartphone so it doesn’t spin, wiggle, or damage your audio jack.
•Get a MASTERCARD debit card where your transactions will also be loaded with your balances of your transactions. Use it anywhere!
•The ProPay Application is FREE.
•Enjoy lower transaction swipe rates on real-time card present transactions (where qualified).
•No fees to integrate ProPay JAK Mobile Card Reader with your existing ProPay Account.
•No fee to access your online reports.
•No PCI-DSS Fee.
•No monthly account fees or monthly minimums.
•One time price of $10.00 (Limited Time Only) for the ProPay JAK device. (a smal mailing fee MAY be added)
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