Read the RESTRICTIONS / CONSIDERATIONS below. As always, test your forms before making them live.
The Recipe Builder enables you to have pre-set recurring data.
Each recipe may be used for any transaction. The Recipe Builder allows you to
specify whether a transaction will repeat every x number of days,
every x weeks on specific days, or every x months on specific days of the month.
Recipe Builder. Login to DEMO Gateway and click on Recurring Transactions to see e-z recipe builder.
Recipe List. Login to DEMO Gateway and click on Recurring Transactions to see sample recipe list.
Option 1:
Recurring transactions may be initiated at the time the original transaction is processed or at any time via the Transaction Listing. To make a transaction recurring initially, simply add the following input fields to your order form:
<input type="hidden" name="recur_recipe" value="recipe name here">
<input type="hidden" name="recur_reps" value="number of repetitions here">
The recur_recipe field value should contain the name of the recipe that you'd like to use for the transaction. You create the recipe name when using the Recipe Builder.
The recur_reps field value should contain the total number of recurring repetitions that should be initiated for the
Option 2:
From the Transaction Listing, click on the XID of any transaction. You will be taken to the details page, which includes a button for recurring transactions. From here you may update or change the recurring information for any transaction.
Please check here for future updates.
- The Recurring Module can only be used for credit card and check transactions.
- Only one recurring recipe may be used per <FORM>.
- A maximum of 999 repetitions is allowed.
- The number of repetitions is ONLY decremented after a successful transaction.
- Recipes cannot be modified or deleted. However, you may change the recipe used by specific transactions.
- Email confirmation letters will be sent to the customer and merchant each time a recurring transaction takes place. The letter will include the history of the recurring transaction and the number or repetitions remaining.
- Recurring transactions will be attempted multiple times on the specified recurring date. If the transaction fails each time during that day, you will receive an email notification. A failed recurring transaction will not affect future repetitions.
- Recurring transactions have their own AVS setting. By default, your AVS setting for recurring transaction is NONE. This is very important since your customer may have a different address when the transaction is attempted again.
If you would like to change your recurring AVS setting, please let us know.