This function assumes that you are familiar with CGI scripting.
Related Links: Lookup Function | Return Mode Function | Return Address | PGP Signature

Read the RESTRICTIONS below before using this function. As always, test your forms before making them live.

The Passback Function enables you to maintain a user session during the entire ordering process. This enables web sites to offer real-time delivery of software, information, access to a member-only area, etc. This function also allows information for successful orders to be written to an online database in realtime.

The function supports invoice numbers, customer identification, PIN numbers, and more, giving you complete control of a user session after a valid order is placed. All information included using the Passback Fuction is sent directly to the return address (ret_addr) specified in the intial order form.

To use the PASSBACK FUNCTION, simply add the following HTML code to your order form. (You may include as many Passback variables as you would like.)


  • Field names used for the Lookup Function may not be used as Passback field names. However, Passback may be used to pass the contents of the *_desc, *_qty, and *_cost fields to your ret_addr.
  • As with any other dynamic web page, your ret_addr (return address) must be a CGI script or some other application, such as CFM or ASP that is capable of parsing the name/value pairs that are passed.

    In this example, the ret_addr field in the order form was set to "".

    <INPUT type="hidden" name="passback" value="fieldname1">
    <INPUT type="hidden" name="fieldname1" value="12345">

    <INPUT type="hidden" name="passback" value="ordernum">
    <INPUT type="hidden" name="ordernum" value="order#999">

    After a successful order has been completed, the customer is returned to the following URL. (Orders are always signed with a PGP Signature when either the LOOKUP or PASSBACK fuction is used.) SIGNATURE HERE

    You can use as many PASSBACK variables as necessary with whatever variable names you'd like. The above example uses two variables. They are named fieldname1 and ordernum.

    Please note that each passback field must contain a value. If the field contains no value, you will receive a "nonexistant passback parameter" error.

    If you would like to allow your customers to select a user name and password for access into your site, the Passback Variables may look like the following:

    <INPUT type="hidden" name="passback" value="username">
    <INPUT type="text" name="username">

    <INPUT type="hidden" name="passback" value="password">
    <INPUT type="text" name="password">

    If the customer's order is successful, the user name and password will be passed back to you in the query_string.

    **Please note that this example is not a secure method of allowing access into your site.